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- /*
- ** Module: JoyPorts.
- ** Type: Object based hardware driver.
- ** Author: Paul Manias
- ** Copyright: DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- **
- ** This source code is made available on the condition that it is only used to
- ** further enhance the Games Master System. IT IS NOT DISTRIBUTED FOR THE USE
- ** IN OTHER PRODUCTS. Developers may edit and re-release this source code
- ** only in the form of its GMS module. Use of this code outside of the module
- ** is not permitted under any circumstances.
- **
- ** This source code stays the copyright of DreamWorld Productions regardless
- ** of what changes or additions are made to it by 3rd parties. However joint
- ** copyright is granted if the 3rd party wishes to retain some ownership of
- ** said modifications.
- **
- ** In exchange for our distribution of this source code, we also ask you to
- ** distribute the source when releasing a modified version of this module.
- ** This is not compulsory if any additions are sensitive to 3rd party
- ** copyrights, or if it would damage any commercial product(s).
- **
- ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- ** -------------------------
- ** If you correct a bug or fill in a missing feature, the source should be
- ** e-mailed to pmanias@ihug.co.nz for inclusion in the next update of this
- ** module.
- **
- ** The following issues need attention:
- **
- ** + Joypad, Segapad and Analogue support. There used to be full joypad and
- ** sega support but it was never confirmed that it worked, so it was removed.
- **
- ** + The hardware bits for some of the mouse/joystick buttons are not set
- ** correctly, these need to be fixed and tested.
- **
- ** + Support a Qualifier mask for keyboard based emulation. This will allow
- ** the player to select between normal keyboard input and joystick input (vital
- ** for mouse based games that support the keyboard). Also, support a
- ** switching feature, so that the user can flip between modes at the press of
- ** a key.
- **
- ** + Grab joydata timeouts from user prefs rather than using the default.
- **
- ** + Buttons need to be buffered so that there is a point to the time-out field.
- ** The time since the last Activate()/Query() should also be stored in the
- ** JoyData structure so that we can assess when the last read was.
- **
- ** + If it is necessary to calibrate analog joysticks (find the most extreme
- ** value that can be returned for each direction) we will need to do this
- ** from GMSPrefs.
- **
- ** -------
- ** 12 Jan Added new fields - ButtonTimeOut, MoveTimeOut.
- ** 21 Jan Bug in Joystick reader not resetting coordinates to null, fixed.
- ** 22 Jan New fields added, *Limit.
- ** 06 Feb Added support for GVBase->UserFocus. [Activate() altered]
- ** 14 Feb Altered port initialisation.
- ** Keyboard emulation support is working.
- ** 26 Apr Now written entirely in C.
- ** 14 Jun Removed the "DATA=faronly" option from SAS/C and recompiled - looks okay.
- ** Tested the DCC compilation, worked fine.
- ** 10 Oct Added support for JPORT_DIGITAL and JPORT_ANALOGUE in Port field.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <system/all.h>
- #include <input/keyboard.h>
- #include <hardware/custom.h>
- #include <hardware/cia.h>
- #include <dpkernel/prefs.h>
- extern struct SysObject *JoyObject;
- extern struct GVBase *GVBase;
- extern struct Custom *custom;
- extern struct CIA *cia;
- extern struct ModPublic *Public;
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Internal proto-types.
- */
- void FreeModule(void);
- void ReadAnalogue(struct JoyData *);
- void ReadJoyPad(struct JoyData *);
- void ReadJoyStick(struct JoyData *);
- void ReadKeyboard(struct JoyData *);
- void ReadMouse(struct JoyData *);
- void ReadSegaPad(struct JoyData *);
- LIBFUNC LONG JOY_Activate(mreg(__a0) struct JoyData *);
- LIBFUNC struct JoyData * JOY_Get(mreg(__a0) struct Stats *);
- LIBFUNC LONG JOY_Init(mreg(__a0) struct JoyData *);
- LIBFUNC void JOY_Free(mreg(__a0) struct JoyData *);
- #define JOY_FIELDS 11
- struct Field JoyFields[JOY_FIELDS] = {
- { "Port", 12, FID_Port, FDF_WORD, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "XChange", 14, FID_XChange, FDF_WORD|FDF_RANGE, -1000, +1000, NULL, NULL },
- { "YChange", 16, FID_YChange, FDF_WORD|FDF_RANGE, -1000, +1000, NULL, NULL },
- { "ZChange", 18, FID_ZChange, FDF_WORD|FDF_RANGE, -1000, +1000, NULL, NULL },
- { "Buttons", 20, FID_Buttons, FDF_LONG, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "ButtonTimeOut", 24, FID_ButtonTimeOut, FDF_WORD|FDF_RANGE, 0, 32000, NULL, NULL },
- { "MoveTimeOut", 26, FID_MoveTimeOut, FDF_WORD|FDF_RANGE, 0, 32000, NULL, NULL },
- { "NXLimit", 28, FID_NXLimit, FDF_WORD, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "NYLimit", 30, FID_NYLimit, FDF_WORD, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "PXLimit", 32, FID_PXLimit, FDF_WORD, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- { "PYLimit", 34, FID_PYLimit, FDF_WORD, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
- };
- BYTE ModAuthor[] = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE ModDate[] = "September 1998";
- BYTE ModCopyright[] = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. All rights reserved.";
- BYTE ModName[] = "Joyports";
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Init()
- ** Short: Called when our module is being opened for the first time. Any
- ** allocations made here will need to be freed in the FreeModule()
- ** function.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDInit(mreg(__a0) LONG argModule,
- mreg(__a1) LONG argDPKBase,
- mreg(__a2) LONG argGVBase,
- mreg(__d0) LONG argDPKVersion,
- mreg(__d1) LONG argDPKRevision)
- {
- DPKBase = (APTR)argDPKBase;
- GVBase = (struct GVBase *)argGVBase;
- Public = ((struct Module *)argModule)->Public;
- if ((argDPKVersion < DPKVersion) OR
- ((argDPKVersion IS DPKVersion) AND (argDPKRevision < DPKRevision))) {
- DPrintF("!Init:","This module requires a newer version of the dpkernel library.");
- return(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- if (!(JoyObject = AddSysObjectTags(ID_JOYDATA, ID_JOYDATA, "JoyData",
- SOA_Activate, JOY_Activate,
- SOA_Free, JOY_Free,
- SOA_Get, JOY_Get,
- SOA_Init, JOY_Init,
- SOA_Query, JOY_Activate,
- SOA_FieldArray, &JoyFields,
- SOA_FieldTotal, JOY_FIELDS,
- SOA_FieldSize, sizeof(struct Field),
- TAGEND))) {
- FreeModule();
- return(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- return(ERR_OK);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Open()
- ** Short: Called when our module is being opened for a second time...
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDOpen(mreg(__a0) struct Module *Module)
- {
- Public->OpenCount++;
- return(ERR_OK);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Expunge()
- ** Short: Called on expunge - if no program has us opened then we can give
- ** permission to have us shut down.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDExpunge(void)
- {
- if (Public) {
- if (Public->OpenCount IS NULL) {
- FreeModule();
- return(ERR_OK); /* Okay to expunge */
- }
- }
- else DPrintF("!Joyports:","I have no Public base reference.");
- return(ERR_FAILED); /* Do not expunge */
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Close()
- ** Short: Called whenever someone is closing a link to our module.
- */
- LIBFUNC void CMDClose(mreg(__a0) struct Module *Module)
- {
- Public->OpenCount--;
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Internal: FreeModule()
- ** Short: Frees any allocations made in the initialisation of our module.
- */
- void FreeModule(void)
- {
- if (JoyObject) RemSysObject(JoyObject);
- }
- #include "JOY_Init.c"